---------------------------- L i n k M a i d v 1 . 6 ---------------------------- CONTENTS This file contains - a DESCRIPTION of what LinkMaid is and does - system REQUIREMENTS to use LinkMaid - a list of FILES contained in this zip - notes on what is NEW IN THIS VERSION - help with INSTALLATION - information on UNINSTALLATION - SUPPORT details - pricing and methods for REGISTRATION AND PURCHASE - CONTACT DETAILS DESCRIPTION LinkMaid manages the submission and maintenance of search engine entries and site listings for your web pages. LinkMaid is shareware. A fully functional version can be installed for an evaluation period. Version 1.6 provides full uninstallation and a more user-friendly licensing module. REQUIREMENTS LinkMaid requires a computer running Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows 98 with an internet browser. It has been tested with versions of both Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. LinkMaid itself installs into less than 1.5mB of drive space. FILES The zip file LM.ZIP or LM15.ZIP contains - LM.EXE which will install LinkMaid on your computer under your supervision - README.TXT (this file) NEW IN THIS VERSION - LinkMaid now provides a more comprehensive installer. - A full uninstall utility is included with v1.6. - The licensing module is now simpler and easier to use. INSTALLATION [1] Launch the file LM.EXE. You will be asked to verify or select a location on your computer for the installation. [3] The executable file LINKMAID.EXE will be added to your Start Menu if and where you specify. [2] It is highly recommended that you read the help files before starting to use LinkMaid. UNINSTALLATION To fully and completely uninstall LinkMaid, open the Control Panel (select Settings from the Start Menu) and locate LinkMaid in the Install/Remove Programs utility. You can alternatively run Uninstall.exe from the same folder in which LinkMaid was installed. Please note that all files in the LinkMaid folder - and the folder itself - will be removed, including any files you may have placed there. SUPPORT This product is fully supported by email to support@maidinnz.com - this email address is in LinkMaid's About box accessible from the Help menu, and in the integrated help file. REGISTRATION AND PURCHASE You can purchase LinkMaid online or by using its registration utility and sending details and payment by email, fax or surface mail. It is important to launch either option from LinkMaid's License window: specific information is required which the registration wizard can only access while LinkMaid is running. The License window is accessible from the Help menu. Registering LinkMaid costs - US$24.95 for a permanent single user license - US$49.95 for a site license - US$249.95 for a global license A single user license is specific to one computer. A site license covers all computers owned by the licensee at one physical location. A global license covers all computers owned by the licensee at any and every physical location. All registrations entitle you to all LinkMaid upgrades at no additional cost. CONTACT DETAILS email for feedback and technical support: - support@maidinnz.com web page to check for LinkMaid updates: - http://www.maidinnz.com/linkmaiddownload.htm Thank you for reading this file!